Police provide personal safety advice ahead of Christmas and New Year

Cumbria Police’s Winter Personal Safety campaign continues. The online campaign is now focused on unacceptable behaviour and personal safety and when out in the night time economy.

The campaign will run until the end of January, and will cover a wide range of areas of personal safety topics.

With the festive season upon us and social calendars filling up, police want to encourage the public to take easy steps that can help keep them safe when enjoying Cumbria’s Night-time economy.

The next stage of the campaign will have a strong focus on asking the public to consider their own behaviour towards others to make sure it is respectful and appropriate.

Please consider your behaviour when out, especially at night:

  • Keep your distance from people in the street if you don’t know them
  • Don’t stare
  • Keep your thoughts and comments to yourself
  • Hold your friends to account for their behaviour if it is inappropriate
  • Look out for each other
  • If you see a crime in progress report it
  • Talk to each other about how behaviour can unintentionally or intentionally affect others
  • Tell people if you have brought them alcohol in their drink and the measures you have brought them – not providing this information is Spiking

The Constabulary’s social media platforms will feature videos and posts offering practical safety advice including the following areas:

  • Plan your day/night out – including your means to get home
  • If you are meeting someone for the first time, make sure it is in a public place.
  • Always have an exit strategy to get out of a situation if you are uncomfortable (consider checking if a pub/bar has the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme before arranging where to meet someone for the first time)
  • If you are out alone, tell friends and family where you will be and update them if your plans change
  • Arrange a meeting place for the end of the night if you get separated from friends
  • Look out for each other
  • Take your mobile phone with you and make sure it is charged
  • Know your limits with alcohol
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water – alcohol can leave you dehydrated and requiring medical attention
  • Watch your drinks – do not give anyone the opportunity to alter them with other substances
  • If you feel very drunk or unwell after a small amount of drink, ask a trusted friend or a staff member for help
  • Do not take drugs or new psychoactive substances
  • Only take personal items with you that you need, and keep valuables out of sight
  • Never engage in violence, one punch can kill. If a situation starts to escalate walk away, find a staff member for support, or contact the police.

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) force lead, Detective Inspector Matthew Belshaw said:

“Cumbria is one of the safest places in the UK to live, visit, and to go out at night.

“However, crime does happen and it’s important we run campaigns like this to deter people from committing crime and equip people with practical safety information.

“People may not realise or understand how their accepted attitudes and behaviours towards women and girls constitute as violence.

“VAWG is not always the culmination of a criminal offence against women and girls. It is also male attitudes and behaviours, and the acceptance of these by others, that contribute to the issue.

“As a community we all need to identify and challenge these attitudes in ourselves and others. We also need to support and champion those who stand up to and challenge sexism or misogyny.

Detective Inspector Belshaw continued,

“Taking personal safety steps is also important.

“Finding you have no way to get home in the early hours of a winter morning could leave you vulnerable.

“Small practical safety steps can make a big difference such as planning to ensure you have the means to get safely home.

 “Some of the advice we provide might seem like common sense, but it can be easily forgotten.

“Please follow the campaign, share the messages, and regularly talk to friends and family about personal safety and your plans.

“Whether you are a resident or visiting Cumbria for the festive season, I hope you have a brilliant time.”

You can follow the Constabulary’s campaign on their social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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