PCC awards over £25,000 to local organisations


Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Peter McCall, has awarded £25,047.27 to local organisations and charities through the Property Fund.


The Property Fund takes the money confiscated from criminals and places it back into local communities to help support victims and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. The funding can provide up to £2,500 to an organisation. Each application must support the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan that lays out how the Police and PCC aim to reduce crime in the county.


Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “The Property Fund is a fantastic scheme that allows me to take the money that has been gained illegally by criminals and place it back into the county to help reduce crime.


“In this round of Property Fund, I received some great applications and we’ve awarded funding to 11 groups in Cumbria.


“Funding has been provided to organisations such as Keswick Youth Centre Services who have been awarded £2,500 to provide support to young people that live in the rural areas surrounding the town with the aim to reduce offending and re-offending.


“Cumbria Combat Sport in Barrow also received £2,500 to help support opportunities for more young people to join the Mixed Martial Arts club. Supporting more young people to join will help turn the children away from anti-social behaviour and low-level crime by providing them with a positive diversion and prevent offending and re-offending.


“The 1st Kirkby Stephen Scout Group applied for and were awarded £2087.50 to help towards entry fees to an International Scout Camp in Kendal where local scouts can mix with people from outside of their local area. This positive diversion will, once again, aim to prevent offending and re-offending.


“Sometimes it is the small acts that can change the course of peoples’ lives and these local groups can help steer young people on to a better path in life.


“Not only does this mean that our young people get the opportunity for a more positive, crime-free life but the whole community will benefit with the reduction of crime.


“I would encourage any group that believes they can help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour to apply for funding – all information can be found at www.cumbria-pcc.gov.uk/what-we-do/funding/property-fund.”


Successful applicants to the Spring Property Fund:


Keswick Youth Centre Services                  Youth Diversionary Activities – £2,500

Cumbria Combat Sport                               Youth Diversionary Activities – £2,500

North Cumbria Rescue and Response     Victim Support – £2,500

Millom Recreation Centre                                        Diversionary Activities – £2,500

Westfield Housing Association                 Youth Diversionary Activities – £2,500

Maryport Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society            Youth Diversionary Activities – £2,500

AWAZ Cumbria Constabulary                                  Victim Support – £1180

Carlisle Hockey Club                                                  Diversionary Activities – £2,500

Aspatria Juniors FC                                                     Youth Diversionary Activities – £2,500

Eden Network Youth Church                                   Youth Diversionary Activities – £1779.77

1st Kirkby Stephen Scout Group                Youth Diversionary Activities – £2087.50

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