The reminder comes following four break-ins over the weekend in Kendal and Arnside, which the police are linking to around 30 other burglaries which have occurred in the same area of the last 12 months.
In Kendal, burglars broke into a bungalow in River Bank Road on Saturday night (4 Feb) and stole cash and jewellery.
In Arnside, burglars broke into an unoccupied home in Church Hill before searching the property for valuables. The burglary is believed to have occurred between Thursday February 2 and Sunday February 5.
Also in Church Hill Arnside, a property was broken into on the night of 3 February. It is believed the only item taken was a purse containing cash.
A third Arnside property was broken into on the night of 4 February in Orchard Road. Nothing of note was taken despite an obvious search throughout the property.
Cumbria Constabulary have dedicated a team of Detectives to investigate these crimes. The Constabulary also have uniformed and plain clothed officers patrolling the specific areas of the burglaries to provide reassurance, act as a deterrent but also to try and identify and arrest those responsible.
Detective Inspector Lee Brumpton said: “It would appear that homes are being targeted by burglars in rural parts of South Cumbria, close to the Lancashire border. This is a despicable crime, which has a serious impact on the victims. We are doing everything we can to prevent future burglaries and bring those responsible to justice.
“We have increased patrols in these areas and we are engaging with residents providing information and crime prevention advice.
“However, we would also seek support from the community.
“Firstly, we suspect the burglars are travelling to these areas in a vehicle to scout them out before breaking in. If you see something that just doesn’t seem right or someone acting suspiciously, either on foot or in a vehicle, if you can, take a note of the registration number or a description of the person and contact us straight away and we will prioritise and action the information immediately.
“Secondly, review your own security. What would it look like to a would-be burglar? Thieves will target what they consider to be easy targets including insecure and empty properties.”
People are urged to look at their own home security to keep their homes safe from burglars.
o Ask a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your premises if you are out on an evening or going away
o Don’t advertise the fact you are away on social media
o Lock your windows and doors when you are out
o Take photographs of valuables, record serial numbers and mark property
o Consider installing a doorbell camera
o Consider installing a house alarm and make sure you switch it on even if you are only going out for a short time
o Consider installing an exterior security light
o Place your interior lights on a timer
o Keep wheelie bins away from garden fences to prevent access to your garden
o Always lock any access gates that lead to your garden
If there is a crime in progress or other emergency – always call 999.
If you have any other information to share please call 101 or report online –
Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.