Road safety advice issued as high winds forecast across the county


Cumbria Police is advising motorist to take extra care on the county’s roads tomorrow after the Met Office issued a Yellow weather warning for wind.

The Yellow warning is currently valid from 4am to 6pm tomorrow (13 November) due to Storm Debi.

Police are advising motorists to be prepared for the potential for strong and disruptive winds across Cumbria and the challenges that this may cause on the county’s road network.

Advice for road users includes:

  • Please plan ahead for journeys tomorrow, allowing for extra time.
  • Take extra care and, where possible, avoid exposed areas of the county where the wind could cause the most disruption.
  • Drive slowly and with extra care and attention.
  • Please give vulnerable road users including cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians more room than usual.

Officers are also asking drivers of high-sided vehicles to take particular care and to plan routes accordingly to the conditions.

The conditions may be particularly impactive during the rush-hour period in the morning, please take extra care and drive to the conditions.

For the latest information the county’s roads, please visit the traffic map: Traffic – Cumbria Constabulary.

For the latest information on weather warnings, please visit: UK weather warnings – Met Office.

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