Local Appeal – Robbery Stricklandgate, Kendal

Police are appealing for witnesses in relation to a robbery which occurred at approximately 6.45pm on Monday 10th April 2023 on Stricklandgate, Kendal. The victim was shoved from behind, before then having their wallet and bank cards stolen.

Two of the males involved were dressed in black tracksuits, while the third male was wearing a grey hoodie with grey tracksuit bottoms.


A 51-year-old man suffered minor injuries following the incident.


Three males aged 14, 17 and 18 were all arrested on suspicion of robbery. They have all subsequently been released on bail.

Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it , quoting incident number 180 of 10th April 2023. You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111

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