Local Appeal – Burglary at Lorne Road, Barrow

Detectives are investigating a burglary at Lorne Road, Barrow.

It happened at about 12.55am on Friday ( November 17 ). Cash and tobacco was stolen.

Officers are looking for a male, of broad build, about 5ft 7ins tall, who was wearing a dark hoodie, trousers and trainers. He had his hood up.

Police are asking the community to check any CCTV, doorbell cameras or dashcam they have for anything that might be relevant.

It is suspected the burglar walked from Lorne Road on to Greengate Street shortly afterwards and on towards Park Avenue or Marsh Street.

The offence is being investigated under Operation Themis – Cumbria Police’s ongoing response to and focus on burglaries.

Anyone with information can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it – quoting incident 29 of November 17.

You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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