Local Appeal – Attempted robbery, Brogden Street, Ulverston

Police are investigating an a.

It happened at about 6pm on Friday ( January 19 ) on Brogden Street, Ulverston, near the Royal British Legion.

The victim, in his late teens, was approached by a suspect in a hooded top who grabbed him by the arm and demanded money.

Nothing was stolen but the victim was left badly shaken.

The suspect made off towards Market Street.

The suspect is described as male, white, in his late teens and 5ft 8ins to 5ft 9ins tall.

His face was obscured by the hooded top but he appeared to have light brown facial stubble.

He was wearing a black hoodie with a logo, a black hat under the hood and grey joggers.

DC 3265 Tom Page is appealing for anyone with information to make contact.

They can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it – quoting incident 196 of January 19.

You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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