Health services available this bank holiday Monday

The NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria is reminding people of all the services available during the August bank holiday.

Some health services may be closed or operating on different hours on Monday 29 August 2022. This often means people could be faced with longer waiting times and NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board is asking residents to be prepared and use services wisely.

Dr Peter Gregory, associate medical director for Lancashire and South Cumbria, said: “Bank holidays are typically a busy time for health services, and you can play your part by being prepared and knowing what support is available for you should you need it.

“If you have a long-term condition that relies on medication please make sure you are taking it properly. Some pharmacies will remain open to provide advice and treatment for a variety of common complaints.”

GP surgeries in the region will be closed and for any urgent care needs, people are asked to visit or call 111. NHS 111 will help direct you to the most appropriate service which could be a walk-in centre, pharmacy or an out-of-hours GP appointment.

In a life-threatening situation, people should always call 999. If you have to attend A&E be prepared for longer waits as the service is notoriously busy over public holidays and will treat patients based on the order of need and severity.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, the 24/7 Crisis Line is available on 0800 953 0110.

Some local pharmacies will be open on Bank Holiday and are able to provide expert advice and deal with minor ailments and illnesses. Pharmacy times are available on the Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership website:

The following pharmacies will be open on the bank holiday.

Morecambe Bay

Asda Pharmacy Ovangle Road, Lancaster  LA1 5JR 10:00 16:00
Asda Pharmacy Walney Road, Barrow-In-Furness LA14 5UG 10:00 16:00
Asda Pharmacy Burton Road, Kendal LA9 7JA 10:00 16:00
Boots Pharmacy – Barrow-in-Furness 15-17 Portland Walk, Barrow-In-Furness        LA14 1DB 11:00 16:00
Boots Pharmacy 14-16 Lancaster Gate, St Nicholas Arcades, Lancaster LA1 1NB 10:30 16:30
Boots Pharmacy Units 8-9, Market Cross, Ambleside LA22 9BT 10:30 17:30
Boots Pharmacy – Kendal Unit 10, Elephant Yard, Stricklandgate, Kendal LA9 4PU 10:30 16:30
Boots Pharmacy – Morecambe 4 Royalty Mall, Arndale Centre, Morecambe    LA4 5DH 11:00 16:00


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