Commissioner’s Property Fund Supports Local Projects Aimed at Reducing Anti-social behaviour


Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall’s property fund, which sees the money confiscated from criminals and placed back into communities to help reduce anti-social behaviour and crime, recently awarded local projects £12,894 supporting prevention initiatives and diversionary projects for young people.

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner comments: “As well as accepting applications that support the Police and Crime plan, our recent round of Property fund applications asked for groups with a focus on drugs and alcohol prevention to come forward.

“It is vital that we support early intervention programmes aimed at reducing the risk of young people becoming dependent on drugs and alcohol, thereby leaving themselves vulnerable to being targeted by County Lines gangs.

“It is great that we are able to support youth groups such as those developed at the South Whitehaven Youth Partnership, that help to deliver awareness workshops with young people, outside the school setting.

“Less formal sessions, delivered by experienced community youth workers, that promote awareness around topics such as the risks and dangers of drugs, alcohol and unhealthy relationships are often more hard hitting, memorable and provide safe spaces where young people are more likely to open up.

“However, not all young people enjoy a youth club environment, and some choose to hang around local haunts, behave antisocially and put themselves at risk of making serious mistakes and committing crime.

“Which is why we have recently awarded funding to support an outreach programme with Aspatria Dreamscheme, that will enable two youth workers to build relationships and provide emotional support to young people who may be at risk of  becoming involved in dangerous behaviour.”

Linda Hunter, Youth and Community Development Manager at Aspatria Dreamscheme comments: “We would like to extend a big thank you to Cumbria’s Police & Crime Commissioner Peter McCall, for the grant he has made available from his Property Fund.

“Sadly, for many individuals, either born into low income families or into families experiencing other complex social issues or circumstances, the ability to succeed and realise their dreams are diminished.

“This project is part of our vision “Living Life Together” where we work with both individuals and groups of people, who reside within Aspatria or one of the small surrounding communities, to ensure that everyone can realise their potential, whatever that maybe.”

Jacqueline Cardy from South Whitehaven Youth Partnership comments: “We deliver informal workshops focusing on risk taking behaviour and issues faced by young people. The funding will help to purchase Drug Awareness and Sexual Health resources that will provide visual prompts alongside our workshop sessions.”

The public are invited to apply for up to £2,500 from the Property Fund to help support projects that engage in community initiatives and interventions to reduce crime. The next deadline for Property Fund application is the 10 September at 5pm.


Successful applicants for July Property Fund:

Aspatria Dreamscheme                                   Drugs/Alcohol Youth Prevention        £2,208

Cockermouth RUFC                                        Youth Diversionary Activities              £2,500

Eden District Scout Council                             Youth Diversionary Activities              £1,000

Northbank FC, Carlisle                                    Youth Diversionary Activities              £2,500

South Whitehaven Youth Partnership            Healthy Relationships and Drugs        £2,186

The Lookout Community Hub , Carlisle          IT equipment                                       £2,500

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