Domestic abuse campaign launched to help protect people and offer support

  They are among the most despicable crimes Cumbria’s police officers deal with all-year-round – and this December there will be no let-up in efforts to stop domestic violence and protect the vulnerable. Nobody should have to suffer domestic abuse, and officers work hard around-the-clock to safeguard those at risk of abuse and to make… Continue reading Domestic abuse campaign launched to help protect people and offer support

CancerCare and Macmillan launch new online cancer support group for people across Morecambe Bay area

Two cancer charities have joined forces to launch a new online support group for people affected by the disease. The Bay Footprint Online Support Group is a joint project between CancerCare and Macmillan which aims to provide a monthly forum to answer questions about a range of cancer-related themes such as treatment side effects and… Continue reading CancerCare and Macmillan launch new online cancer support group for people across Morecambe Bay area

More than £1 million for local councils to help support victims of domestic abuse in Furness

MORE THEN £1 MILLON FOR LOCAL COUNCILS TO HELP SUPPORT VICTOMS OF DOMESTIC ABUSE IN FURNESS Simon Fell MP has welcomed the announcement that Cumbria County Council will receive £995,779, Barrow Borough Council, £33,047, and South Lakeland District Council £33,072 from the Government to provide additional support for victims of domestic abuse and their children… Continue reading More than £1 million for local councils to help support victims of domestic abuse in Furness

Now playing: Boyzone with Love Me For A Reason