Support is only a phone call away

Anybody in South Lakeland struggling to make ends meet after the festive period is being reassured that support is only a phone call away. Councillor Suzie Pye, South Lakeland District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Poverty Alleviation, is urging anybody struggling financially or emotionally to ask for help. Cllr Pye said: “I would… Continue reading Support is only a phone call away

South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is flying the flag to support Armed Forces Day 2022.

South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is flying the flag to support Armed Forces Day 2022. The council held a ceremony to hoist an Armed Forces Day flag above Kendal Town Hall to say thank you to the men and woman who make up the Armed Forces community, from currently serving troops to service families, veterans,… Continue reading South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is flying the flag to support Armed Forces Day 2022.

Now playing: Eurythmics with Sweet Dreams