NHS website’s heartburn advice viewed once every 13 seconds at Christmas

Heartburn is top of the list for advice on health conditions on the NHS website at Christmas, according to new figures. Analysis by NHS Digital covering the previous two years found that, apart from information about Covid, the heartburn and acid reflux page was the most commonly viewed health condition during the festive period. There… Continue reading NHS website’s heartburn advice viewed once every 13 seconds at Christmas

Annual data on hospital admissions published: statistical press release

The latest annual report on hospital admissions in English NHS hospitals has been published by NHS Digital today. The Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity 2021-22 report includes data on Finished Consultant Episodes (FCEs)1 and Finished Admission Episodes (FAEs)2. The data is broken down to cover information on: Causes of admissions Diagnoses on admission Procedures carried out Patient demographics… Continue reading Annual data on hospital admissions published: statistical press release

9.5% decrease in adults seen by NHS dentists within recommended two years

The number of adults seen by NHS dentists within recommended timeframes decreased by 9.5% in June 2022 against the previous year, a report published by NHS Digital today shows. 16.4m adults in England were seen for NHS dental treatment in the 24 months up to June 2022, according to NHS Dental Statistics, England 2021-221. This is a… Continue reading 9.5% decrease in adults seen by NHS dentists within recommended two years

New NHS Digital report shows bariatric surgery figures for the past five years

New figures on the number of people undergoing weight management surgery in England have been published today. Bariatric surgical procedures, 2021/22 (provisional) – National Obesity Audit [Management Information] is a new quarterly publication covering data for the past five financial years, from 2017-18. It includes information about the number of people having bariatric surgery each year… Continue reading New NHS Digital report shows bariatric surgery figures for the past five years

Latest figures on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in England are published

New statistics show the number of applications to legally deprive a person of their liberty, where they lacked the mental capacity to consent to care or treatment, in 2021-22. NHS Digital has published the latest information on the use of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), a legal procedure when an adult who lacks mental capacity… Continue reading Latest figures on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in England are published

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