Local Appeals – Series of thefts from the Church Field Close and Yewdale Road areas of Coniston

    Police are investigating a series of thefts from the Church Field Close and Yewdale Road areas of Coniston, overnight between Sunday 9th and Monday 10th January. Two houses and two vehicles were targeted. Stihl power tools and a Makita grinder were reported as taken. If you have any information please contact PC1730 Howard Lindow… Continue reading Local Appeals – Series of thefts from the Church Field Close and Yewdale Road areas of Coniston

Local Appeal – Criminal Damage Salthouse Road, Millom

  Police are investigating criminal damage to a window at an address on Salthouse Road, Millom that occurred about 5:30pm on Sunday 9th January. A window at the property was smashed. Anyone with information relating to thisincidentis asked to report it online via www.cumbria.police.uk/reportit,or by phoning 101, Please include the following reference with any report, log… Continue reading Local Appeal – Criminal Damage Salthouse Road, Millom

Local Appeal – Witnesses to a fail-to-stop road traffic collision early hours New Year’s Day, Dalton

    Police are appealing for witnesses to a fail-to-stop road traffic collision that occurred in the early hours of New Year’s Day in Dalton-in-Furness. It is believed that shortly before 00:30am, a white Nissan Micra collided with a parked vehicle on Castle Street. Officers are appealing for anyone who witnessed the collision or witnessed… Continue reading Local Appeal – Witnesses to a fail-to-stop road traffic collision early hours New Year’s Day, Dalton

Local Appeal – Police are appealing for witnesses following a reported assault Ramsden Dock Road, Barrow

  Police are appealing for witnesses following a reported assault. The incident occurred on the 25th of November, 2021 at approximately midnight, on Ramsden Dock Road, Barrow. The incident involved two men. A man in his 50’s from Scotland, was arrested on suspicion of ABH assault. He has since been released under investigation. A man… Continue reading Local Appeal – Police are appealing for witnesses following a reported assault Ramsden Dock Road, Barrow

Local Appeal – Police are investigating road traffic collision Cornwallis Street, Barrow

    Police are investigating a road traffic collision which occurred on Friday 10th December 2021 at approximately 21:45 hours on Cornwallis Street, Barrow. The collision involved a pedestrian and a Vauxhall Corsa. The pedestrian, a local man in his 70’s was taken to Preston hospital with injuries not believed to be life-changing. The driver… Continue reading Local Appeal – Police are investigating road traffic collision Cornwallis Street, Barrow

Local Appeals – Police are investigating an incident of burglary Larch Court, Ulverston

  Following new lines of enquiry, police are investigating an incident of burglary that occurred between 8th and 29th November at a property on Larch Court, Ulverston. Unknown persons have entered the property and taken a sum of money. Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/reportit , quoting incident number 165 of 29th November… Continue reading Local Appeals – Police are investigating an incident of burglary Larch Court, Ulverston

Now playing: Gabrielle with Give Me A Little More Time
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