Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm Sunday 26th September Dalkeith Street, Barrow

  Barrow Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm which occurred on Sunday 26th September at approximately 3:30am on Dalkeith Street at the corner of Scott Street, Barrow The incident is reported to have involved three men. One of the men is reported to have been in the company of other males. A… Continue reading Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm Sunday 26th September Dalkeith Street, Barrow

Local Appeals – Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm

  Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm which occurred on Sunday 11th July 2021 at 3.30am. It was reported that a 26-year-old man was walking home along Thompson Street when he was hit from behind with an object by an unknown person. Anyone who witnessed this incident or has any relating information… Continue reading Local Appeals – Police are investigating an incident of grievous bodily harm

Now playing: Aerosmith with Dont want to miss a thing
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