Cumbria Constabulary instate dedicated Violence Against Women and Girls Detective Inspector

Cumbria Constabulary have instated a dedicated operational Violence Against Women and Girls Detective Inspector. The creation of this specialist post is the Constabulary’s next proactive step towards eradicating violence against women and girls in the county.  The creation of the role follows the results of the Constabulary’s Call it Out campaign 2021, which saw over… Continue reading Cumbria Constabulary instate dedicated Violence Against Women and Girls Detective Inspector

Cumbria Police launch summer anti-social behaviour awareness campaign

Cumbria Constabulary highlight their work to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) with the launch of a county wide awareness campaign. With the summer holidays fast approaching, the Force’s Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPT) and Child Centred Policing Teams (CCPT) are running a campaign to raise awareness of local issues of anti-social behaviour and the policing work being… Continue reading Cumbria Police launch summer anti-social behaviour awareness campaign

Cumbria Police Local Appeals – 13th June 2022

Police investigating the theft of a moped from Howe Street, Barrow at around 2:55pm on 9th June have recovered the vehicle. Officers are appealing for anyone with information or if anyone has seen anyone riding the bike in-between 9th June and 10th June. Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at , quoting incident number 142… Continue reading Cumbria Police Local Appeals – 13th June 2022

Local Appeals – 11th June 2022

Ulverston Cumbria Police are investigating an assault which occurred in Ulverston Town Centre and are appealing for any witnesses of the incident to come forward. The assault occurred on the evening of Friday 10th June. An 18-year-old man sustained injuries to his head which are non-life threatening. Anyone with information relating to this incident can report to DC 2086 Mcfall… Continue reading Local Appeals – 11th June 2022

Cumbria Constabulary – Over 160 weapons handed in during surrenders

Cumbria Constabulary have received over 160 weapons from the public during two surrenders of firearms and knives that were held in May. A firearms surrender was running between the 12th and 29th May and a week-long knife surrender from 16th till the 22nd May. The firearms surrender was part of a national firearms initiative coordinated by the National Ballistic… Continue reading Cumbria Constabulary – Over 160 weapons handed in during surrenders

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