Catch up… Andrea in the Afternoon with Lee Stoller – Stollers

    Have you seen the new Stollers shop front? Lee Stoller joins Andrea today on The Afternoon Show discussing where the inspiration came from. Stollers are also leading the way with environment friendly and sustainable business practices. Listen in to find out exactly what they are doing.

Making a real difference PCC Awards £227,478 to Community Projects since the start of the pandemic

The Community Covid19 Recovery Fund and Property Fund re-invests money seized from criminal behaviour and over the last year, Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall has awarded £227,478 helping to make a real difference in our local communities in our fight against crime. Peter McCall comments: “Re-distributing money that has come from the ill-gotten… Continue reading Making a real difference PCC Awards £227,478 to Community Projects since the start of the pandemic

Dalton Leisure Centre Crowd Fund

Have you missed your gym sessions over Lockdown? Shaun Fisher from Dalton Leisure Centre is Andrea’s guest on The Afternoon Show. Funds and a show of Community support are needed to replace the Climate Control System and secure the future of this much-appreciated community asset. Find out how you can assist with the CrowdFunding Event.… Continue reading Dalton Leisure Centre Crowd Fund

Now playing: NewEra with Birds In The Sky