Fire Incidents – Building Fire, Ramsden Street, Barrrow

  At 23:13 on 6th October 2021, three fire appliances attended an incident on Ramsden Street, Barrow-in-Furness. The fire involved a garage, crews used four breathing apparatus, two hose reel jets one main jet, breaking in gear and two thermal imaging cameras to extinguish the fire. Crews were detained approximately one ninety minutes

Local Appeals – Incident of criminal damage, Family Action centre, Greengate Street, Barrow

  Police are investigating an incident of criminal damage that occurred between the 1st and 4th October in which a children’s play area has been damaged at the Family Action centre, Greengate Street, Barrow. During this incident a hosepipe has been turned on and left running all weekend, a blackboard has been pulled off the… Continue reading Local Appeals – Incident of criminal damage, Family Action centre, Greengate Street, Barrow

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