Local Appeal – Damage to a vehicle in Barrow

Police are appealing for witnesses following a report of damage caused to a white BMW on Vulcan Road, Barrow in the early hours of today (June 7) Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it , quoting incident number 29 of 7th June 2022. You can also phone on 101. Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously,… Continue reading Local Appeal – Damage to a vehicle in Barrow

Funding boost to help keep Barrow cycle routes on track!

Cumbria County Council has received £4.5 million for two cycling schemes in Barrow-in-Furness. Cumbria County Council in partnership with Barrow Borough Council are delivering a Local Cycling Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Barrow, with an additional boost in funding. The county council applied for funding from the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Active Travel Fund in… Continue reading Funding boost to help keep Barrow cycle routes on track!

Local Appeal – Burglary at The Vicarage of St Aidan’s Hill, Barrow

Police are investigating a burglary which occurred between 5pm on 6th May and 12:50pm on 7th May at The Vicarage Of St Aidan’s Hill, Barrow. Damage has been caused inside the property. Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it , quoting incident number 95 of 7th May 2022. You can also phone on 101. Alternatively you… Continue reading Local Appeal – Burglary at The Vicarage of St Aidan’s Hill, Barrow

Local Appeal – Criminal damage to four motor vehicles on Macadam Street in Barrow

Police are investigating the report of criminal damage to four motor vehicles which has occurred between 9:20pm and 10:30pm on Macadam Street in Barrow. The four vehicle’s windscreens have been smashed. Police are appealing for any witnesses to this incident or anyone with information involving the incident or who is responsible. Anyone with information relating… Continue reading Local Appeal – Criminal damage to four motor vehicles on Macadam Street in Barrow

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