Work gets under way on Brilliant Barrow event space

The space will be created at The Dock Museum as part of the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal Place Development programme and is expected to take around 12 weeks to complete.

It will be undertaken by contractor AE Yates Ltd and will include the laying of a new resin-bound surface, the installation of planted areas and trees as well as a pop-up power unit and lighting scheme.

Westmorland and Furness Council is leading on the delivery of the Place Development programme which aims to help attract residents and visitors to the town centre, increasing footfall and boosting the local economy while improving the overall perception of Barrow as a great place to live, work and visit.

As well as the amphitheatre, the programme will see a further outdoor events space created to the rear of a redeveloped Barrow Market Hall along with continuing family-friendly, free events.

Councillor Virginia Taylor, Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Sustainable Communities, said: “I’m delighted to see this next phase of the Place Development programme get underway, so we can build on the huge success there’s been over the last two years.

“Hundreds of people have enjoyed the activities on offer so far, and this improved events space at The Dock Museum will enable audience experience to be even better.

“I have arts and events in my portfolio, and know how much benefit they give to the whole town centre, as people are brought into town to enjoy themselves and help create a busy and happy Barrow!”

Westmorland and Furness Council is working with a range of partners to deliver the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal which secured the maximum funding award of £25 million from the Government’s Towns Fund in 2022.

The Brilliant Barrow Summer of Fun programme – having completed its second season – offered a range of family-friendly entertainment in Barrow’s town centre and at The Dock Museum and helped to attract thousands of people to the area.

Councillor Peter Thornton, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways and Assets, said: “The programme of events has already been very successful, bringing thousands of people together to enjoy free, family-friendly entertainment in Barrow’s town centre.

“A dedicated, modern space for events will improve the programme even further and will help to improve people’s perception overall of Barrow as an excellent place to live, to grow up in, to work and to visit.

“I’m delighted to see this work get under way and look forward to a third season of activities in 2024.”

Click here for more information about the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal.

On July 27, 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal proposals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth.

A Town Deal is an agreement in principle between Government, the lead council (Westmorland and Furness Council) and the Town Deal Board (the Brilliant Barrow Town Deal Board). It sets out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision.

Each of the 101 towns selected to work towards a Town Deal also received accelerated funding for investment in capital projects that would have an immediate impact and help places “build back better” in the wake of Covid-19.

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