Westmorland and Furness schools to benefit from over £1 million in improvements this summer

Essential maintenance works will be taking place across several Westmorland and Furness schools during the summer holidays, amounting to over £1 million in improvements.

The Capital Programme team, consultants and contractors will be completing a range of important upgrades and maintenance projects to improve the safety, quality and energy efficiency of school buildings.

Works will include electrical and fire system safety upgrades, overhauling water tanks and heating systems through to structural projects, such as replacing internal walls and external building facias.

The works will be completed in time for children and staff returning from their well-earned break, ready to start the Autumn term.

Westmorland and Furness Council invest £4.3 million of the annual capital budget in school maintenance and improvements.  As well as ensuring buildings are safe and structurally sound, it has a priority to improve the eco efficiencies of council owned assets, to bring often ageing buildings up to a modern standard.  Ongoing maintenance to heating and water systems helps to keep on top of this and forms part of the council strategy to reduce its carbon footprint.

Cllr Sue Sanderson, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills, said:

“To see over £1 million of works happening over a six-week period is amazing and really shows the commitment of our team and partners to reduce the impact of these improvements on our young people and teaching staff.  We have a duty to ensure all children can be accommodated in safe and welcoming schools and these works go a long way to fulfilling our ambition.”

Further work is planned to take place in other areas during the rest of this financial year and includes renewable energy studies on some schools to initiate a plan of works that will improve the energy rating of buildings and further reduce running costs.

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