Waste and recycling services to become council-run operation


Barrow Borough Council and FCC Environment have agreed a mutual end to a waste and recycling services contract with effect from 10 October 2022.


Cumbria is in the process of Local Government Reorganisation which will see the creation of a brand new unitary authority for this area – Westmorland and Furness Council – from 1 April 2023.


As part of this county-wide process, both FCC Environment and Barrow Council have agreed to an early mutual termination of its existing contract to effect a seamless transition of the service to a council-run operation on behalf of residents across the borough.


Councillor Ann Thomson, the leader of Barrow Borough Council, said: “We have maintained a continuous dialogue with our contractor, FCC, about the forthcoming changes to local government in Cumbria.


“We have mutually agreed to end the contract from October when waste, recycling and street cleansing will become council services once more.


“We are all committed to making the transition period as smooth and as straightforward as possible for all residents.”


A spokesperson for FCC Environment said: “FCC Environment has been providing Barrow Borough Council with refuse, recycling and street cleansing services since April 2017 and in this time the business has worked hard to deliver for the residents of Barrow.


“We are working on a planned exit strategy amicably with our council partners and we will assist them in every way we can to ensure a smooth transition.”


Residents in Barrow will see no change to the refuse, recycling and street cleansing services as the contract transitions seamlessly to a council contract later this year.

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