Volunteers needed to provide independent advice on governance

Cumbria Constabulary and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) are looking for people to join the Joint Audit Committee (JAC). JAC provides independent assurance on the effectiveness of the arrangements for governance, finance, risk management and internal/external audit for both organisations.

This is a unique opportunity for anyone with a knowledge of finance and audit within the public sector, a passion for corporate transparency and the ability to assure financial and statistical information. The Constabulary and OPCC are looking for candidates who can effectively challenge and question at the committee, can understand and interpret complex information, and make a balanced unbiased judgement on the governance of policing within the county.

Applicants must be over the age of 18 and have no connections to the Police or PCC. The closing date for applications is noon, Friday 14 October 2022. Those interested in applying can find more information via the recruitment portal:

Job profile (webitrent.com)

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “The JAC committee is a fantastic opportunity for experts in finance and audit, particularly in the public sector.

“The committee ensures that my office and the Constabulary are as transparent as possible regarding our finance, governance, risk management and audits.

“The voluntary role does not take up too much of the individuals time, but it is highly rewarding knowing that you are helping to keep Cumbria safe.

“This is a perfect opportunity for people with a working knowledge of audit and finance. It really is a fantastic role, and the successful candidate will be working alongside like-minded, passionate individuals who are dedicated to the county of Cumbria.”

Chief Constable Michelle Skeer said “This is a great opportunity for an expert in finance and audit to help keep Cumbria safe by to joining the Joint Audit Committee (JAC).

“As a member of the committee you will ensure the effective and efficient use and accounting for public money allocated to the county.

“We have dedicated staff that carry out an excellent job, and the JAC provides us with additional assurance which we are able to pass onto the public that our administration and financial processes are effective, efficient and their probity is assured.

“This is a very rewarding role in supporting the constabulary and people of Cumbria.”

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