Urgent NHS dental support available to all in Lancashire and South Cumbria

Everyone living in Lancashire and South Cumbria has access to urgent NHS dental advice and treatment via a dedicated helpline.

NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board’s (ICB’s) helpline guarantees an NHS appointment with a dentist for anyone with an urgent oral or dental need.

The service is available by calling 0300 1234010 between 8am and 9pm Monday to Friday or 10am to 5pm at the weekend and on bank holidays. Emergency treatment can also be accessed by visiting 111.nhs.uk or calling 111.

Clare Granger, a dentist and a senior clinical fellow for the ICB, said: “We know that access to NHS dental services is a difficult issue at the moment and we receive complaints and comments from local people who are struggling to access an NHS dentist.

“We want everyone to know that by calling our helpline they are able to access urgent care as an NHS patient, whether or not they have a regular NHS dentist.”

Clare added that by brushing regularly and looking after their own oral health, most dental emergencies can be avoided.

She said: “Teeth do not develop decay or die off naturally. Dental decay is preventable through a healthy lifestyle and good oral hygiene routine.

“The best way to make sure you have healthy teeth and minimise your need to go to the dentist is to look after your teeth at home, both by limiting your sugar intake and by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

“You can further improve your oral health – and health in general – by cutting down on sugar, not smoking and limiting the amount of alcohol you drink.”

Lots of advice on the best way to look after oral health can be found online at www.lancashireandsouthcumbria.icb.nhs.uk/our-work/your-local-services/dentistry

If you live in Lancashire and South Cumbria and need urgent dental attention, call 0300 1234010.

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