Two new Community Beat Officers join the Barrow Neighbourhood Policing Team

Barrow will now benefit from two new Community Beat Officers who joined the Neighbourhood Policing Team in September.

PC Hannah While returned to the role in mid-September and will be covering the Ormsgill, Parkside and Hawcoat areas.

She has already been into some of the local schools and arranged to take part in some community events and engaged with young people in Ormsgill about their use of mini motors and scrambler bikes – one of the problems raised to PC While by the community there.

PC Rich Herron started his role in late September and is now the dedicated officer for Walney.

Despite only being in the role a couple of weeks, PC Herron has already begun to work towards investigating incident of crime and disorder, having made one arrest following a report of two males fighting in the street in Walney in possession of a baseball bat and a shovel. PC Herron was able to locate the suspects and make an arrest. The suspect has been released on bail with conditions.

PC While and PC Herron will work alongside the officers and PCSOs in the Barrow Neighbourhood Policing team to tackle local issues and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

Speaking about her role as a Community Beat Officer, PC While said: “I’m a born and bred Barrovian and grew up on the Parkside ward so I am very familiar with the area.

“I Joined Cumbria Police in 2016 and I’ve worked as a response officer in Barrow and been part of the proactive team.

“As part of my new role my key priorities will be to reduce drug activity and reduce police calls for service around ASB.”

PC Herron added, shortly after starting his role: “I’ve been in the police for around seven years having previously worked on response and as a detective in Cumbria’s Criminal Investigation Department.

“My priorities in this role will include building a good relationship with the community and reducing crime, in particular anti-social behaviour.”

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “CBOs are integral in building relationships and trust between communities and the Police.

“PC While and Herron will be working towards building this trust getting to know their local communities, understand their concerns and tackling local issues, especially anti-social behaviour.

“ASB is considered by some to be a low-level crime, but the reality is that it affects whole communities, and can make life miserable for those who bear the brunt of it.   We can all help the police by working with them and reporting issues. Community Beat officers are now in place across the county and already proving to be highly effective, I know  the  Community Beat Officers in the Barrow area will quickly get  a grip and deal effectively with the ASB and other issues of local concern.”

If you wish to contact Barrow’s Community Beat Officers, you can do so by reporting information online at

You can engage with and follow the work of PC While and PC Herron and the Barrow Neighbourhood Policing Team by following their Facebook page or follow @barrowpolice on Twitter.

You also can also sign up to a monthly newsletter for the area by visiting –…/UKCUMBR…/subscriber/new

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