Thousands ready to object

Private holiday resort proposed for Roanhead adjacent to National Nature Reserve Sandscale Haws, described by Visit Barrow as a national treasure

Over 4,000 residents of Barrow, Dalton, Askam, Ireleth and surrounding areas have signed a petition objecting to plans for a luxury holiday resort which could see on average 1,200 tourists descend upon the fragile habitats of Sandscale Haws National Nature Reserve and Roanhead beach each week.

The Save Roanhead campaign team along with our 3,500 Facebook group members oppose this abhorrent development and planning application unequivocally.

Although a planning application was submitted, this was not validated by the Westmorland & Furness Council. We understand the Environmental Impact Assessment was not completed to the satisfaction of the new local authority.

Meanwhile our team of local area and wildlife experts remain committed to scrutinising the completed application line by line once the final plan is visible to the public. We will share our findings with our supporters, along with advice for members of the public who will oppose this application.

Our principles and opposition align with those set out by our partners and friends including the National Trust, Friends of the Lake District and Cumbria Wildlife Trust.

The campaign team acknowledges the hard work and dedication of all our local public servants – MPs, Councillors, Town and Parish Councillors who work tirelessly to ensure that all parties follow process and due diligence.

In addition the campaign team have sought the views of local business experts on the proposal; deliberately unbiased, without prejudice and with no self interest.

The campaign team remains committed to transparency, whilst providing an information and education source; this supported by local area and wildlife experts within the team. We invite all residents of Furness and beyond to join our campaign to save this special area from the negative impact of mass tourism in a beautiful and cherished area.

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