The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative was planted at a ceremony at the Green Heart Den

A tree from The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative was planted at a ceremony at the Green Heart Den Wednesday at 10:30am on Wednesday 2nd November Claire Hensman, Lord-Lieutenant of Cumbria attended to say a few words and officially plant the tree. In attendance also were Darren Herbert, Adam Bearpark and Joe Wardman from Green Heart Den. Jenna Brown from Sir John Fisher Foundation together with young people from Greengate Junior School.
The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree-planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, inviting people from across the UK to “Plant a tree for the Jubilee” creating a legacy in honour of HMQ’s leadership of the Nation, benefiting future generations. Focusing on planting sustainably, the QGC is committed to supporting planting trees in some of the most deprived UK schools and urban areas, increasing access to green space, with innumerable benefits to health and mental wellbeing, improving the quality of life in communities, and promoting the vital importance of our ancient trees and forests to the environment.
The Tree of Trees project was a spectacular 21-metre sculpture featuring 350 British native trees that was erected outside Buckingham Palace as an exciting centrepiece of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations in June.
Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, the sculpture reflected the joyful Jubilee tree planting which has swept the nation as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC), inspiring over a million trees to be planted during its first season, from October 2021 to March 2022.
The sculpture sought to put the importance of trees and nature at the heart of this historic milestone to celebrate Her Majesty, who has planted over 1,500 trees all over the world throughout the course of her 70-year reign.
The 350 trees are set in aluminium pots embossed with Her Majesty’s cypher. The trees and pots are now being gifted to selected community groups and organisations to celebrate their work and inspire the next generation of tree planters across the nation.
Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenants were asked to nominate organisations and groups they believed made a positive and measurable impact on their communities. The tree and pot are symbols of gratitude for their tireless efforts.

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