Simon Fell MP – campaign to obtain Royal Town status for Barrow-In-Furness

Simon Fell MP for Barrow and Furness has today written to Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, and the Cabinet Secretary, asking for their support for the Royal Barrow campaign.
Last week the Barrow and Furness MP announced in the House of Commons his campaign to obtain Royal Town status for Barrow-In-Furness.
In Business Questions to the Leader of the House, Mr Fell said that following Barrow’s recent celebration of 150 years of naval shipbuilding, it is more than time for Barrow to receive royal status.
Leader of the House, The Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP, has said she recognises the contribution Barrow has made to the UK including the AUKUS agreement as well as the Five Eyes partnership and will support Mr. Fell in his campaign as it gathers momentum and generates further support.
In his letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Fell impressed on the Prime Minister the town’s history and pivotal part it has played in the UK’s industrial and maritime achievements.
Mr Fell goes on to write about the new chapter for Furness with the AUKUS partnership, and the town being the backbone for the delivery of the next generation on attack submarines for the US and Australia.
Speaking about the letter, Simon Fell MP said:
“It is time for the town to receive the recognition it deserves, for its contributions to shipbuilding and defence, and the part it has played in keeping us and now our allies, safe.
“Local representatives, businesses, arts groups and civil society support the campaign for Royal Barrow. This letter to the Prime Minister, impresses on him the rich history and secured future of Barrow-in-Furness, and asked him to lend the Government’s support to the campaign to make Barrow a Royal Town.
I hope that the Prime Minister will be supportive of this campaign and will join us in making this aspiration a reality.”
The campaign has already received support from the former Lord Lieutenant, BAE, Westmorland and Furness Council, Cando FM, the Rotary Club, as well as local arts and community groups.
Local people can support the campaign by sharing their views and showing their support here:

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