Shadow Defence Secretary meets the people of Barrow

“Labour is listening to the people of Barrow” – Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey MP makes a personal commitment to fight Barrow to protect jobs in the shipyard and spread prosperity throughout the town

On Tuesday 9 March Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey MP made a personal visit to meet local Labour members, shipyard workers, trade union representatives and community activists at a virtual meeting for the Barrow and Furness Constituency Labour Party.

After a brief introductory speech, the Shadow Defence Secretary took questions on a range of issues such as how Labour will protect jobs in the shipyard, how Barrow can diversify its industry, and how
the town can reduce inequality and poverty.

John Healey MP reiterated to town leaders Labour’s unshakeable commitment to the nuclear deterrent, pursuit of multilateral disarmament and boosting investment in British industry, just as
he’d set out in a major policy speech to RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) last month.

The Shadow Defence Secretary drew a clear contrast between Labour and Conservatives thinking on the UK’s defence industry: Labour wants to see equipment and capabilities that can be produced in Britain, built in Britain. Labour believes that as the Party of working people and trade unions, it sees spending on defence as a force for good in the country and for local communities such as Barrow.

The meeting underlined the Labour Party determination to listen to the people of Barrow and John Healey made a personal commitment to work with the town’s council, trade union, business and charity leaders to help rebuild the trust many local people lost in Labour locally at the last general election.

Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey:

“I was delighted to have met so many great local Labour members in Barrow this week.

They share my determination to rebuild people’s trust in Labour.

“I made it completely clear last month in a speech to RUSI that Labour’s commitment to the deterrent is non-negotiable as part of our UK and wider NATO security.

This has been, and will remain, Labour policy.

“Labour is multilateralist and internationalist, so we are also unshakeable in our belief that the UK, as a P5 member of the UN Security Council, should help lead efforts to secure the next generation of strategic arms control and disarmament agreements.

“Moreover, Labour’s determination to see British investment directed first to British industry is also one of our fundamental principles as a party.

We will hold the Government hard to account on this when they make decisions in the long-delayed Integrated Review to be published next week.”

Chair of Barrow and Furness Constituency Labour Party:

“We are delighted that John met with our community and once again demonstrated the Labour Party’s commitment to the future of our nuclear deterrent and to our industry in Barrow and

Only the Labour Party cares about the future of our area and all the people in our community.”

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