Salthouse Road area of Barrow made safer following Government funding

Salthouse Road and surrounding streets in Barrow-in-Furness have received multiple crime prevention security measures following a successful bid to the Government’s Safer Streets Fund. The £436,994 bid awarded to Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, aims to tackle burglary, robbery and theft in crime hotspots. The PCC is working in partnership with Cumbria Constabulary, Cumbria County Council and Barrow Borough Council to reduce crime in the area.

Cumbria County Council installed new streetlights in the back streets and the existing front street lighting has been upgraded to create a safer community, deter criminals, and help with the identification of offenders. The fund provided 200 home security packs to residents containing a variety of security products to keep their property safer. All households will receive a SelectaDNA marking kit to mark their belonging so that, if stolen and recovered by the Police, the Officers can identify who the property belongs to and return it – community volunteers will be on hand to help residents mark and register their property.

The fund paid for the removal of graffiti. Barrow Borough Council and Cumbria Constabulary have provided security surveys to households to help identify how their homes can be made safer from criminals. Fitters were appointed to install a range of home security products to improve both the front and backs of eligible houses. This includes new doors leading to the back streets which have been built with high quality bolts, locks and hinges to appropriate British Standards.

A resident, who has benefitted from the Safer Street Fund, Rachael, said: “I am so pleased with my new back door and safety light.
“The whole process was dealt with safely, swiftly and professionally.

“Everyone that I came across answered my questions, were punctual and let me know well in advance if they required access.

“My mum also had a light fitted and is really pleased too.

“[The Partners] have definitely fulfilled [their] role in getting out into a quite lonely community, chatting to us all and offering a wonderful service.”

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “Every resident in Cumbria deserves to live on a safe, clean and welcoming street and that is exactly what the Safer Streets Fund aims to achieve.

“Since the success of the bid in July 2020, we have accomplished so many of the goals we set to help improve the Salthouse Road area of Barrow and I know the residents will greatly benefit from the extra security.

“Partnering with the Constabulary, Barrow Borough Council, Cumbria County Council on this project we all hope to see a reduction residential burglaries, robberies and theft in the area.

“As PCC, I am committed to creating a safer Cumbria for all and it’s fantastic that we have been able to achieve this is such a short space of time in the Salthouse Road area.”

Ian Harker, Lighting Manager at Cumbria County Council, said: “Cumbria County Council is committed to ensuring people in Cumbria are healthy and safe.

“We welcomed the opportunity of working with the Police and Crime Commissioner and our partners in delivering the Safer Streets project at Salthouse Road and surrounding streets.

“The additional investment allowed us to contribute to safer streets by modernizing the street lighting to the latest standard using cutting edge technology.

Councillor Lee Roberts, Deputy Leader of Barrow Borough Council, said: “We welcome the actions and improvements undertaken to drive out crime from the Salthouse Road area and to make residents feel safer in their homes and neighbourhood.

“This scheme will help to realise long term community safety benefits that will truly bring about a reduction in incidents of crime.

“Cleaner, brighter streets will also help to boost the sense of pride people have in the area in which they live – something we know is very important to residents across Barrow.”

“The lighting project was delivered on budget and ahead of schedule demonstrating the benefit to our communities of this partnership.”

Sharon Livesey-Roach, Crime Prevention Officer for Cumbria Constabulary, said: “The Safer Streets project has enabled our neighbourhood policing team to enhance their work within the Salthouse area.

“Working with partners and volunteers, everyone involved has pulled together and worked hard to improve security for the residents, allowing the community to feel even safer in their homes and in their neighbourhoods.

“The neighbourhood policing team looks forward to working together again for future projects.”

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