Restorative Justice Service celebrates success in Cumbria


Restorative Justice provider, Remedi, hosted their showcase event at Penrith Rugby Club on Thursday 28 September to highlight the positive work they have achieved with partners in Cumbria.


Remedi is commissioned in Cumbria by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) and Northwest Probation Service (NWPS) to provide restorative interventions to young adults and adults in the county through a variety of programmes. Restorative justice provides the victims and perpetrators of a crime with the opportunity to discuss the crime. It provides the victim with the chance to explain the affect the crime has had on them, allows the perpetrator to see how the consequences of their actions impacted others and with the opportunity to apologise. This allows both sides to find a positive way forward.


The event hosted partners from the education sector, Cumbria Police, Prisons, Probation Service and Local Focus Hubs and showcased the positive work provided by Remedi since 2016 and provided information on positive work being done across other regions of the country by the organisation.


One of the many successes includes the Pathways Programme. The OPFCC commissioned Remedi to deliver Pathways, an early intervention scheme that identifies the root cause of offending as a method of preventing reoffending. Pathways changes how the criminal justice system in Cumbria can deal with some lower-level offending, including being drunk and disorderly, theft and vandalism. 90% of the Pathways cohort have not reoffended 12 months after completion of the programme. The Pathways approach was recognised by The Howard League for Penal Reform in November 2022 awarding the programme runner up in the Adult & Policing category.



Cumbria’s Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Mike Johnson, opened the event. He commented: “Remedi provides the opportunity for perpetrators to face up to their crime, learn from it and hear directly from their victim how their actions have consequences for others, not just themselves. It allows these perpetrators who may be on their first offence to recognise what they have done is wrong and potentially avoid criminal charges or entering the justice system allowing them to change their lives before their actions get out of hand.


“It’s fantastic to have an opportunity to really celebrate their successes in the county alongside partners and highlight to sectors that aren’t currently involved in restorative justice but could really benefit from it, how positive it can be.


“Pathways is a programme we commissioned within the OPFCC and 90% of those who have been through the programme have not reoffended and that really is a huge positive. It helps them get back on track for having a positive life while allowing them to take responsibility for their past actions and takes pressure from justice services that may have had to respond to any criminality committed by these offenders.


“Thanks to Remedi for hosting this event – I look forward to seeing their successes in the future.”


Dave Bates, the Remedi Operations Manager in Cumbria said: “Remedi use a wide range of restorative approaches to help both victims and offenders move on from crime and ASB.


“Victims often reported greater feelings of safety, confidence in the Criminal justice system and feelings of wellbeing after successful Restorative justice. For offenders, It can often help them to take responsibility for their actions and build empathy towards victims, while evidence also suggests it reduces the risks associated with any future reoffending.


“We are hoping the event will encourage partners to further promote the work we currently do in Cumbria, while at the same time showcase to the various sectors attending what else we offer that may be of value to organisations and the communities they work within.”


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