Recycle this Easter

There is lots of work taking place to reduce the amount of packaging and make it more recyclable –  but we can all play our part at home too.

The delightful treats that come with Easter can also bring boxes, foil wrapping and plastic, but which of these items can be recycled?  We want to make sure you have all the information you need to recycle effectively this Easter.  Here are our top tips for a more recycling friendly Easter

  1. This one is easy – your cardboard boxes can be flattened and recycled.
  2. Most packaging will have all the recycling information on it, it will help you pick out which parts can and cannot be recycled.
  3. Supermarkets have some great recycling facilities, and some will take the recycling your doorstep collection may not, so check out your local supermarket for instore recycling.
  4. It’s not just chocolate egg packaging, if you get lots of Easter cards these can be recycled in with your card and paper – just rip off any glittery bits!
  5. Did you know that the foil wrapping on your Easter eggs can be recycled? Just scrunch together with any other foil and pop in the recycling.
  6. Try the scrunch test with foil – if it scrunches and doesn’t spring back, it’s safe to be recycled. If it scrunches but springs back then the foil has a plastic lining and can’t be recycled, so it’s best to pop this in the general rubbish bin.

Cardboard, foil and plastic containers are accepted at the kerbside for recycling across Westmorland and Furness.  Why not check out Recycle Now which gives answers on what else your local collections will be able to take away for you.

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