Providers of Sport and Physical Activity to benefit from Organisational Support through new ‘Fit for the Future’ Programme


With thanks to investment through Sport England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund, Active Cumbria, part of Cumbria County Council’s Public Health team will be working with Cumbria CVS, and PR and social media company WeareIntro, to support organisations that provide sport and physical activity across Cumbria.

The programme called Fit for the Future will see a range of bespoke training courses providing sustainability and resilience support and are aimed at those involved in running sports clubs or organisations that provide physical activity.

There is also the opportunity for follow up one to one support for those organisations that need additional help across the themes of financial planning and fundraising, marketing and promotion, recruiting new volunteers, and retaining and valuing your existing volunteers.

The FREE online and interactive courses will be rolled out across October and November, and places can be booked via places are limited so early booking will be essential.

Cllr Deborah Earl, Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities, said:

“This provision will be really welcomed and provides a valuable source of support for providers of sport and physical activity across Cumbria. We have seen through the pandemic that sports clubs have been particularly affected, and through these courses and one to one support packages Active Cumbria will help providers of sport and physical activity move forward with confidence.”

Richard Johnston, Senior Manager (Operations) from Active Cumbria said:

“I’m really excited to be launching the Fit for the Future programme, which has been created to provide essential knowledge and skills to help our clubs and physical activity providers move forward with confidence. The content of the courses and the availability of one-to-one support with our experts will help provide practical solutions to some of the challenges our clubs and providers are facing.”

Alison Philips, Operations Manager at Cumbria CVS said:

“Cumbria CVS are delighted to be part of this programme. We’re looking forward to working with Active Cumbria and other partners in the programme to provide support to the sport and physical activity sector, helping them recover from the impacts of the pandemic, and help their organisations become more resilient moving forward.”

Nick Turner, director of Intro PR and Social Media, said:

“We’re delighted to be involved in this programme. Sports clubs play a vital role in the community and we’re only too pleased to share our expertise and skills to support them. Our sessions will focus on how to use publicity in the press and social media to get new members and engage with the local community. Social media is a noisy and sometimes confusing place so we hope sports clubs will pick up lots of tips and ideas on how to ensure they use it effectively.”

Chris Wright, Coach at Cockermouth RUFC said:

“We are delighted to be involved in this programme, and hope that we can pass on some of the successes and pitfalls we have encountered on our journey at Cockermouth RUFC. We know that running a sports club can be an extremely difficult and challenging role, but with the right people with the right skills in place, then great things can be achieved. We will be at all of the workshops and will be sharing some of our experiences, and we would encourage as many clubs as possible to sign up.”

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