Primary Schools Showcase their enthusiasm for learning


Furness College is delighted to announce the winners of its ‘Get Ready for Greatness’ campaign to show the impact of learning on people’s lives.

The college, which has campuses at Channelside and Rating Lane, tasked Year 6 primary school pupils throughout the area to design a poster on the theme: “What Makes Learning Great?”

The contest attracted more than 30 individual entries from schools across the area. The entries were then narrowed down and the winners can be revealed as Jaiden Udgebe from Dalton St Mary’s and Ashleigh Hazlett from Walney Juniors.

Furness College Principal and Chief Executive Andrew Wren said it was very hard to judge. “You could tell that the pupils had really thought about what learning could lead to and why it was important. One of the winners showed the sky was no limit by saying learning can help you understand space and how it helps set you up for a future with a good job and a good house. The other winner had put the person at the centre of the learning journey, which is part of our college ethos, and referenced how effort was important and not to be afraid of making mistakes – something we can all take on board.”

School Liaison and Events Officer Sandra Rollinson said the competition had come about after Primary Engagement Day had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

“We want to ensure pupils still started thinking about the next stage of their education and why learning was important in line with our new campaign Get Ready for Greatness. We were blown away by the thought that had gone into so many of the entries and these are definitely bright pupils we hope will become our students in the future. It’s really great to announce the winners the week the pupils go back to school and we hope to see them in college soon.”

Each winner has secured a group day for their whole year at the £47million Channelside Campus where they can see learning in action and participate in some fun activities, when there is a safe window to do so.

All these fantastic designs can be found on the Furness College TikTok account. To see all the designs, visit:

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