PFCC names preferred candidate to lead Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Peter McCall, has selected Assistant Chief Fire Officer of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS), Rick Ogden, as the preferred candidate to take on the role of Chief Fire Officer (CFO) on a temporary contract for 12 months.


The Chief Fire Officer selection process is conducted by a panel with a knowledge of fire and rescue services and an understanding of the service needs of Cumbria. The Appointments Panel was chaired by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, with support from representatives from across the county and fire service.

PFCC Peter McCall, said: “I will be taking Rick Ogden as my preferred candidate for Chief Fire Officer on the temporary basis for 12 months.”

Rick joined CFRS in early 2022 from London Fire Brigade.


As required by statutory regulations, the Police, Fire and Crime Panel will hold a confirmatory hearing on 29 June. Following that the Panel will make a recommendation to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner about whether the appointment should be confirmed.


A start date will follow shortly.

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