PFCC names preferred candidate to lead Cumbria

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), Peter McCall, has selected Deputy Chief Constable of Cumbria Constabulary, Rob Carden, as the preferred candidate to be the next Chief Constable for Cumbria.

The selection of Chief Constable follows a rigorous selection process by a panel with professional policing knowledge and an understanding of the criminal justice system in Cumbria. The Appointments Panel was chaired by Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, with support from four representatives from across the county and policing.

PFCC Peter McCall, said: “The candidates for Chief Constable demonstrated exceptional knowledge and a passion for policing, this was a competitive process which makes the selection process a difficult decision for the appointments panel. I am pleased to announce Rob Carden as my preferred candidate for Chief Constable.”

Chief Constable, Michelle Skeer, QPM said: “I would like to offer my congratulations to Rob for being the preferred candidate for the next Chief Constable for Cumbria. I have enjoyed working with him, he has shown dedication and commitment in keeping our local communities in Cumbria safe.”

Rob Carden has been Deputy Chief Constable in Cumbria since March 2022.  As required by statutory regulations, the Police, Fire and Crime Panel will hold a confirmatory hearing on 29 June. Following that the Panel will make a recommendation to the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner about whether the appointment should be confirmed.

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