PCC welcomes additional funding of £783,084 for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence

Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall welcomes an additional three-year funding boost of £261,028 per year, £783,084 overall, from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), for victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence in Cumbria.

This funding has been awarded to several organisations across the county who provide tailored support to female and/or male victims who have experienced domestic abuse, rape or sexual abuse at any point in their life. Both adults and children services will benefit from the funding, and it can be used to support existing clients, as well as new referrals.

Organisations receiving funding are Gateway4Women, Safety Net, The Birchall Trust, West Cumbria Domestic Violence (The Freedom Project) and Women’ Community Matters.

Peter McCall comments: “I welcome this additional funding to further support people who have experienced domestic abuse, rape or sexual abuse in Cumbria.

“Sexual violence and domestic abuse are horrendous acts that no one should face, but thanks to our specialist support services, those who have been abused do not have to face it alone.

“I urge anyone that has experience domestic abuse, rape or sexual abuse, recent or historical, to use these services, whether you have reported the crime to the Police or not.

“No one should feel that they are alone – please don’t suffer in silence. Help is out there.

Rebecca Robson from Women Community Matters comments: “This funding is really welcome and will allow us to continue to provide one-to-one and group support for adults who have experienced domestic abuse. We have seen a significant increase in people coming forward over the past year, so this funding will really help ensure we are here when people need us.”

Jo Birch from Safety Net said: “We are really pleased to receive this additional funding. This will help us to see more adults and children who have experienced rape or sexual abuse, including male victims and it will also help to reduce our waiting list.”

Detective Superintendent Sally Blaiklock, Head of Public Protection at Cumbria Constabulary, said: “I welcome the funding that has been allocated to support the needs of victims of abuse in Cumbria. Accessing the correct specialist support quickly is crucial in supporting a person at such a difficult time.


“We have some great organisations in Cumbria that support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. This funding will further enhance this really important work. Supporting victims and working effectively with trusted support agencies is a key priority for the Constabulary.”


Useful contacts:

24hr Supportline Victim Support 0808 1689 111

24hr Live Online Chat facility www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support

The Bridgeway – Sexual Assault Referral Centre – 0808 118 6432

National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247

LGBT Domestic Abuse Victims 0800 999 5428

Mankind Initiative 01823 334244


In an emergency call the Police on 999

For non-emergency enquiries call 101 or contact 101emails@cumbria.police.uk

If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, use our textphone service on 18001 101.

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