PCC urges drivers to take care on rural roads during Road Safety Week

Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, is urging drivers and pedestrians to be more cautious on rural roads during Road Safety Week (14 – 20 November).


Road Safety Week is a campaign hosted by Brake, a national road safety charity. The theme for the 2022 campaign is ‘Safe Roads for All’. In Cumbria, there have been 23 fatalities and 219 serious injuries as a result of road traffic collisions since the beginning of 2022.


Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “A large majority of Cumbria’s roads are rural, winding roads which makes it extremely difficult to know what is ahead of us.


“Many of us have grown up learning to and driving on these roads which can make us quite complacent, not only our own safety, but for the safety of other road users, whether this be other drivers, cyclists, or pedestrians.


“Road Safety Week is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness on personal safety and the theme of ‘Safer Roads for All’ is extremely important as we all have a responsibility to look out for one another.


“Everyone has equal rights to use our roads so please respect one another and make sure you are being as safe as possible when on our rural roads.


“Driving to the conditions of the road, slowing down at blind corners or hillcrests, not getting distracted by phones or navigation systems and being aware of your nearest passing points, are just some of the ways drivers can reduce their risk of accidents.


“Alternatively, cyclists and pedestrians can keep themselves safe by wearing bring or fluorescent clothing, having a light on bags, bikes and helmets and also not walking on the road with headphones in.


“I would urge everyone to look out for themselves and others when out and about on Cumbria’s roads – together we can make Cumbria a safer place to live.”

Chief Inspector Steve Hunter of Cumbria Police said: “With the darker nights and the Christmas and New Year festivities approaching, road safety should be high on everyone’s priority.


“This Road Safety Week the Constabulary is working alongside Road Safety Support to highlight the dangers faced by young drivers on our roads. I urge young drivers and parents of young drivers to take a few minutes and watch our video* with a Cumbrian mother who lost her own teenage daughter on our roads.


“I ask that everyone takes extra care on the roads this winter. Always make sure your car is in good working order before setting off, that your tyres have good tread and that you have good visibility.


“Let’s make sure everyone using the roads gets to their destination safely.”

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