PCC Supports Age UK in Helping to Keep Older People Safe

In support of Elder Abuse Day this week, Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall visited Age UK Carlisle and Eden to see how the Covid19 Recovery fund has helped to support vulnerable older people during the pandemic.


Peter McCall comments: “In the week of national Elder Abuse Day, it is important to raise awareness and try and understand the day to day barriers that some older people in the county experience.


“Elder abuse can take various forms such physical, psychological, financial and neglect. Indeed, something as simple as arranging for a wellbeing pack to be delivered to those in need, can often lead to other avenues of support and signposting to vital services.


“It is always good to hear first-hand how the Covid Recovery fund has been used locally to help vulnerable people during the pandemic.


“The Covid pandemic exasperated many existing barriers that older people faced, with many individuals struggling to access the help they needed.


“Support given by Age UK in Carlisle and Eden has been vital and has ranged from befriender telephone support calls, people organising to do weekly shopping for those that remained in isolation, to significant numbers of direct support being given during welfare visits.


“The help given by so many of our third sector organisations across the county in the last 12 months has been inspiring. It is thanks to them and the hundreds of supporting volunteers that vulnerable people in our isolated communities have been able to remain safe and well looked after.”


Alison Ambrose, CEO at Age UK Carlisle and Eden comments: “The Covid Recovery fund helped us to reach more vulnerable people impacted by the pandemic. We were able to provide a diverse range of services to improve personal wellbeing and we continue to provide ongoing support to many, all of which has been made possible by the provision of the grant.”


Temporary Detective Superintendent Dan St Quintin, Cumbria Constabulary comments: “It is important that we all look out for one another and particularly those who could be more vulnerable. Elderly people can become hidden in our communities when they cannot get out and about as much. If you feel something isn’t quite right and you have concerns that someone you know is subject of any form of abuse, then please report this.


“Abuse to anyone of any age will not be tolerated. The work ongoing to support elderly people is welcomed.”

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