Parking Changes Coming to Barrow Town Centre

Barrow residents and visitors can expect some changes to parking in the town centre in the near future. Members of the Furness locality board are set to approve proposals to modify a traffic regulation order on Preston Street, where motorists have been abusing the current loading-only parking restrictions.

The proposed changes would see the loading-only parking place behind the Cross Keys Hotel on Preston Street replaced with double yellow lines, prohibiting parking altogether. However, the loading-only restriction will be retained for the parking bays behind 5A, 6 and 7 Portland Walk, as well as 21 Preston Street.

According to a council report prepared for the upcoming locality board meeting, the goal of these changes is to “reduce congestion and improve the area’s amenities.” The report notes that the current loading-only restrictions have been widely disregarded by drivers, necessitating the need for stricter enforcement.

“Preston Street currently has a number of loading only restrictions. These parking bays were designated many years ago, but today motorists are abusing the use,” the report states.

The council considered replacing the loading-only signs with single yellow lines, but ultimately decided against this option due to the “high rate of vandalism of parking signs” in the area.

The proposed traffic regulation order changes have been out for public consultation, and the council received one response – which was in support of the plan. The respondent, who runs a business on Portland Walk, said the new no-parking zone would be welcome, as “cars parking in this area are a constant problem for us, preventing deliveries and refuse collection.”

The implementation of the new traffic regulation order is estimated to cost £2,500. Members of the Furness locality board will vote on approving the changes when they meet at Barrow Town Hall on April 17.

These forthcoming parking updates are aimed at improving traffic flow and accessibility in Barrow’s town centre. Local businesses and residents will no doubt be keeping a close eye on the outcome of the upcoming locality board meeting.

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