Archived News Pages

£3 Billion bus revolution to benefit passengers across Barrow and Furness

MP for Barrow and Furness, Simon Fell, has welcomed the Conservative Government’s announcement of a revolutionary new bus strategy, backed by £3 billion of investment, that will see passengers across Ulverston benefiting from more frequent, more reliable, easier to use and understand, better coordinated and cheaper bus services. The strategy will require Cumbria County Council… Continue reading £3 Billion bus revolution to benefit passengers across Barrow and Furness

Shipyard donation to help schools

BAE Systems Submarines has given more than £50,000 to schools across South Cumbria to help pupils make up lost ground after coronavirus lockdowns. The shipyard in Barrow launched a fund specifically aimed at Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects. In the Furness area and Millom, secondary schools could apply for up to £1,500 and… Continue reading Shipyard donation to help schools

Andrea is joined by Simon Fell MP and Phil Wilson, GSK Site Director

As GSK prepares to close its operation in Ulverston after 73 years, Andrea is joined by Simon Fell MP and Phil Wilson, GSK Site Director to ask why this needs to happen and to find out what the future plans for the site might be. Tuesday 1 till 3pm on The Afternoon Show.

Memories in Music – Gilli chats with Diane Smillie of Dignity in Dementia

Diane Smillie is one of the Directors of Dignity in Dementia, who work with, and for, people living with Dementia and their family carers, in the Barrow area and across Cumbria. Di will be talking about the Barrow ipad project. For Barrow ipad project, contact: Diane Smillie, Dignity in Dementia 07771 682378 Thomasina… Continue reading Memories in Music – Gilli chats with Diane Smillie of Dignity in Dementia

Pete Sexton chats with Jack Hawitt

Jack Hawitt talks with CandoFM’s Pete Sexton on Friday 12th March about the challenges faced by an independent artist whist surviving Lock-down and his hopes for 2021 including the release of his latest single from the forthcoming EP.

Now playing: Rachel Platten with Stand By You