Archived News Pages

Memories in Music 8th May Interview

Gilli Goodfellow is back with Diane Smillie for more of Di’s helpful hints for family carers supporting someone with dementia. This week Di talks about how your feelings and mood can affect the behaviour of someone living with dementia.

Local Appeals – 8 May 2021

    Barrow Police are appealing for witnesses following a burglary on Dalton Lane, Barrow, at approximately 11am on 5 May. A man described as white, aged in his mid-40s, approximately 5ft 6 inches tall, of stocky build with short receding light hair was seen carrying a small cardboard box. The man was wearing dark… Continue reading Local Appeals – 8 May 2021

SportZone with guest John Horne, Director of Hawcoat Park

On this week’s Sportzone show Tony Colyer talks to John Horne, Director of Hawcoat Park about the impact Covid has had on the general situation at Hawcoat Park, restart plans and the strategy for the future. John is also the Rugby Union representative and he advises the situation concerning Hawcoat Park Rugby Union restart plans

Local appeals – May 5, 2021

Barrow Police are investigating an incident of public disorder on Saturday May 1 at around 10am on Ferry Road. It was reported that a man, described as in his 40s, wearing hi-vis clothing, was shouting in the street, and kicking a door. Anyone with information or who witnessed the incident is encouraged to contact police… Continue reading Local appeals – May 5, 2021

Mai in the Afternoon chatting with David Cassidy Inspiring Barrow

During the pandemic, Inspiring Barrow has had to change the way they supported young people in schools. Project Lead David Cassidy shares how they have adapted to continue running skill-building activities and what Inspiring Barrow has planned for the future of the programme. You can find more information at and on twitter @BarrowInspiring.

Now playing: Sugababes with Denial