Northern Gas Networks backs campaign dedicated to raising awareness of changes to carbon monoxide alarm laws

This year, the laws are changing for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in the UK, and Northern Gas Networks, gas distributor for the North East, Yorkshire and Northern Cumbria, is backing a new campaign to raise awareness of the changes.

In England, from October 1st, 2022, rented accommodation or new build properties with flues and/or fixed combustion appliances other than cookers, will be required to have carbon monoxide alarms fitted.

Carbon monoxide alarms are also required when a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers) is first installed in any home. Both private and social sector landlords will have a duty to repair or replace alarms, once informed that they are faulty.

To raise awareness of the new rules, a new campaign ‘Carbon Monoxide Alarms Save Lives’ launches today [Monday 11 July] and will run all summer until 28 August, thanks to sponsorship from Northern Gas Networks and the other three British gas distribution networks: Cadent, SGN and Wales & West Utilities.

Carbon monoxide – ‘the silent killer’ – cannot be detected by human senses. However, a sounding alarm can to alert occupants to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. This year, many more domestic properties will be legally required to have such alarms.

The change to the law follows years of campaigning by the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group, which has been formally calling for carbon monoxide alarms to be required in many more homes since 2017.

The group’s chair, MP for Huddersfield Barry Sheerman says:

“By making carbon monoxide alarms a legal requirement, governments are sending a strong message – carbon monoxide is seriously harmful. If you don’t have an alarm, you need to get one for your home as soon as possible.

“Carbon monoxide poisoning can kill. It can cause harm to our vital organs and is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and children. Please join our campaign to spread the word about carbon monoxide alarms this summer – and make sure your home is protected.”

Steve Dacre, Vulnerability Innovations Lead for Northern Gas Networks said: “This campaign is so important in terms of protecting families all across our network and helping keep our communities safe.

“We’re delighted to support it this summer and spread the message far and wide that CO alarms save lives.”

The newly launched campaign will show the public how to stay safe from carbon monoxide and explain why homes need carbon monoxide alarms. You can join in too – download the digital asset pack for the campaign for free.

For help understanding these regulations or to seek legal advice, please contact Citizens Advice, who provide a free advice service for England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Anyone who smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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