NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme supports Lancashire and South Cumbria residents

Since April 2021, nearly 2,000 people from Lancashire and South Cumbria
have taken part in a programme designed to prevent them from developing
Type 2 diabetes.

The Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) supports
people at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by helping them to manage
their weight, eat more healthily and be more active.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week (23 May – 29 May) highlights the fact
that this is one of the biggest healthcare challenges of our time.

The prevalence of diabetes has more than doubled in the last 20 years,
with an estimated 4.8 million people living with the condition in the
UK, largely due to the rising number of cases of Type 2 diabetes.

Dr Neil Hartley-Smith, local GP and clinical director for NHS Blackpool
and NHS Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Groups, said:

“We have to remember that Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable. One
of the biggest manageable risks is obesity. National Diabetes Prevention
Week is a great opportunity for us to encourage people who are at risk
of developing the condition to take part in the Healthier You National
Diabetes Prevention Programme. People identified by their GP are offered
tailored support and advice to avoid the potentially life-threatening

“The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme puts people in control of their
own health by supporting them to lose weight through regular exercise
and a healthy, balanced diet. We want to do all that we can to prevent
people from developing Type 2 diabetes.”

Those who may be at an increased risk of developing the condition

* People who are overweight or obese
* Men
* Those from South Asian communities
* Those with a family history of Type 2 diabetes

People on the NDPP programme will get tailored, personalised help to
reduce their risk including education on healthy eating and lifestyle
choices, reducing weight through bespoke physical exercise programmes
and portion control, which together have been proven to reduce the risk
of developing the disease.

Programme participants can also meet and connect with others socially to
share ideas and experiences alongside trained professional support
available online or via the telephone.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week aims to encourage the 13.6 million
people in the UK at increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes to take
early steps to prevent the condition from developing such as eating well
and moving more.

If you feel you may be at risk of Type 2 diabetes, you can speak to your
GP about a referral to the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention

You can also find out more about support in Lancashire and South Cumbria
at: https://www.healthierlsc.co.uk/diabetes

Or learn more about the national diabetes prevention programme at:

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