Multi-agency response to Storm Arwen continues


The multi-agency response to storm Arwen continues as the county experiences further adverse weather and continued power outage.


Electricity North West are working to restore power as soon as possible to those who remain without electricity. 67,000 of homes have now had power restored and many further homes will have power restored by early evening. However, due to the scale of the situation and continued hazardous conditions, up to 4000 of households in Cumbria may be without electricity overnight.


The main areas where properties will largely remain without power are Alston and Coniston with smaller isolated demographic areas across Cumbria.


Generators have been deployed to areas of Alston and Coniston to bring power back to hundreds of homes.


The following Community Hubs have been set up to support communities:

  • Coniston: Coniston Sports and Social Centre
  • Ambleside: Ambleside Parish on Vicarage Road (closes 5pm)


These centres have access to power and heating and are open to affected members of the community.


Some properties in the county are experiencing water supply issues. United Utilities are working to restore effected homes with water. Fleets of water supply vehicles have been deployed and where needed alternative arrangements such as bottled water are being arranged. United Utilities contact details can be found in the ‘Who to Contact’ section below.


A strategic and coordinated effort continues to support those who are without power or cut off due to snow, with provisions and supplies being prioritised to those deemed most vulnerable. The activity has seen nurses, medication and provisions being transported to those vulnerable persons and isolated rural communities.


Vulnerable persons without power or in isolated communities have been identified by the multiagency coordination group and are receiving proactive contact by agencies, including welfare checks.


However, the public are requested to kindly continue to look after vulnerable people in their communities; if you are aware of an individual who is vulnerable, please check on them and support them, make sure they have the right medication and provisions. If they do require medication or care, please contact their care provider as soon as you are able.


If a vulnerable person is without power and you are concerned for their welfare, please contact Electricity North West on 105. Electricity North West have increased staffing to their call centre to support demand, however the 105 number is experiencing high volumes of calls and the public are thanked in advance for their patience and understanding.


Today, the county has seen additional heavy snowfall, and low temperatures that are expected to continue into the night, with some higher, rural communities experiencing temperatures of -13. Motorists are asked to only travel if essential and to take appropriate provisions.  Warm clothing, food, drink, charged phone and a full tank of fuel are among the recommendations.


Some petrol stations will continue to be impacted by the power outage and drivers are encouraged to be mindful this ahead of any journey.


Cumbria County Councils Highways Teams and partner agencies have worked around the clock to clear blocked roads and grit roads. All major roads are now open except the A595 Corney Fell to Duddon Bridge.


Many A, B, C and minor roads continue to be impacted by the snow and low temperatures. Gritters have been deployed across Cumbria all weekend and will continue to grit the counties roads into tomorrow.   Motorists who do need to travel are encouraged to stay at home and avoid unnecessary journeys. If you do need to travel, please continue to drive please drive with care and stick to main roads wherever possible.


Who to contact:


If you wish to report a problem on the county’s roads, please report online via the County Council website –…/high…/highways/highways.asp.


For power cuts contact Electricity North West on 105, but please only call if your query is urgent to help prioritise customers in the most vulnerable circumstances.


For water supply issues contact United Utilities on 0345 672 3723


If you are open to Cumbria County Council’s Adult Social Care, have care and support needs and these needs cannot be met due to the power outage, please contact Adult Social Care on 01228 526690.’

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Please do not call the police to check on road closures, please visit the traffic map for up-to-date information:

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