A man from Barrow was sentenced to two years four months imprisonment on Friday (July 26) at Preston Crown Court.
Gerald McBlain, 43, of James Street Barrow was sentenced for offences of Burglary and Fraud by False Representation.
He pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing.
The court heard that on 14 April 2024, the victim returned to his property on Montague Street, Barrow-in-Furness to find the kitchen window open. He continued to check the address where he found items moved, and the property ransacked inside.
The victim also became aware that someone had attempted to use his bank card at a store on Rawlinson Street, Barrow in Furness.
CCTV enquiries identified the offender McBlain in the rear alleyway of Montague Street, footage from the store on Rawlinson Street also showed him attempting to make a fraudulent transaction with the card from the victims property.
The Officer in the case Detective Constable Rebecca Atkins said “McBlain had no thought for the impact burglary offences have on the victims, entry to their home was aggravated by him ransacking their home and attempt to use the stolen bank card.
“Cumbria Police want to ensure the public feel safe in their homes and are aware any intrusion can have a significant impact particularly when it involves property being stolen in these circumstances.
“It is a force priority to ensure those who commit Burglary are prosecuted.”
We would like to remind people to remain vigilant, to report all burglary offences or any suspicious activity to the Police via our online reporting form, live chat or 101 or if a crime is occurring on 999.
The offences were investigated under Operation Themis – Cumbria Constabulary’s response to and focus on burglaries.