Long established firm reaps rewards of Low Carbon Barrow scheme

An independent firm that is saving on energy bills, reducing emissions and has a brighter building thanks to the Low Carbon Barrow grants is encouraging other businesses to apply.

J.L Winder and Co. Chartered Accountants, known as Winders, in Barrow, is reaping the benefits of removing old fluorescent tube fixtures and switching to LED lighting throughout its Grade II-listed building with funding through the Low Carbon Barrow scheme.

Small and medium sized businesses within the Barrow borough are being urged to enquire about the funding assistance available for projects to reduce carbon emissions before the grant applications close later this year.  The grants can reimburse up to 70 per cent of the costs of low carbon activities that have a minimum cost of £1,000 and a maximum of £10,000.

Rebecca Jones, Practice Manager of the Ramsden Square accounting firm, which is celebrating 60 years in business this year, said: “The difference is amazing, the lighting is lovely now. It is instant, no more flicking lights. Our new LED lights are much more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

“We are two months in now and we are already seeing an improvement with reduced energy bills. In a beautiful, big, old building like this you could go through a lot of florescent tubes, which aren’t recyclable.

“We were also able to use a local trader to complete the work, so the project has also benefited another local business. I’d encourage other businesses to take a look at the Low Carbon Barrow grants and see how it could benefit them.”

Councillor Therese Assouad, Barrow Borough Council Lead Member for Climate Emergency, said: “We are urging businesses to come forward, talk to our team about the grants and take up the support on offer. The grants won’t be here for much longer.

“Tackling Climate Change can include small actions. Winders have demonstrated the benefits that can be seen both to their business and the environment.

“In general, a reduction in any power use, through greater efficiency, less use or upgrades to current systems will not only help to reduce greenhouse gasses but also reduce energy bills and the costs of doing business.”

Low Carbon Barrow grants are a limited time offer and are funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership. They will end in March 2023 and so any business hoping to benefit needs to express an interest now as the application process will close later this year.

Businesses interested in learning more can call Bev Coverdale on 07812 470625 or send an enquiry to lowcarbonbarrow@barrowbc.gov.uk

Dedicated assistance to guide businesses through the application process is given by Art Gene who are contactable by emailing jo.reilly@art-gene.co.uk

Alternatively, to register visit;

Find out about Low Carbon Barrow Grants – Art Gene (art-gene.co.uk)

Low Carbon Barrow Grant Programme – Registration and Expression of Interest Form (google.com)

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