Local Appeal – Shoplifting incident Tesco, Flass Lane, Barrow

Police are investigating a shoplifting incident which occurred on 3 April 2024 at Tesco, Flass Lane, Barrow at 2.15pm.

Two men, white but tanned, both believed to be in their thirties and with beards and baseball caps, are suspected of committing the offence.

One man was wearing a black gillet and a checkered shirt underneath.

The other man was wearing a grey jacket with a checkered shirt underneath.

Police are looking for anyone who can identify these two men.

Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it , quoting incident number 142 of 10/02/2024. You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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