Lancashire and South Cumbria residents have one week left to request a COVID-19 vaccine at home

The popular NHS Vaccine At Home service will stop taking bookings from Friday 9 December.

Over 4,000 people in Lancashire and South Cumbria have benefited from getting a COVID-19 vaccine in the comfort of their own home, since the service began in January.

The initiative was launched so that anyone who is shielding, was unable to leave home or didn’t feel comfortable using the existing vaccine services could feel safe.

But now that shielding is no longer necessary, the service will be coming to an end, and anyone wanting a vaccine at home should book online at or by phoning 0300 790 6856 (between 10am to 8pm daily) before 9 December.

Jane Scattergood, senior responsible officer for Lancashire and South Cumbria COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, said: “This service has been fantastic and has helped us reach more people who have been unable to come forward for a vaccine, because they didn’t want to leave their home.

“Now that shielding is no longer required, demand for the service has decreased, so it will soon come to an end. People can still get vaccinated outside the home, and can book at”

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