Housing renewal works in Barrow to start next week

Works to improve the overall street scene and finish of terraced properties along Greengate Street in Barrow are due to commence on Monday 22 January.

The council’s housing renewal project aims to improve the overall street scene and finish of a number of terraced properties across two blocks along Greengate Street (Numbers 85-157) in Barrow. The works will include improvements such as new guttering, gates, the painting of heads and sills, as well as some rendering works to some rear boundary walls.

The works are expected to take around 12 weeks to complete and form the last stage of a wider programme of housing renewal works that have been taking place across the North Central ward over the last few years.

Councillor Judith Derbyshire, Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, said:

“These latest works form part of a wider programme of housing market renewal projects in the town which aims to help improve the standard of housing available which in turn will help to improve the look and feel of this part of Barrow’s street scene for everyone.

“I look forward to seeing the works completed and the difference it makes to the wellbeing of local residents and community as well as the improved perception of Barrow as a great place to live.”

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