Have your say on sports and leisure services

Council invites anyone interested in helping shape future of health and wellbeing in Westmorland and Furness to fill out a survey.

To support more people in our communities to live happier and healthier lives, Westmorland and Furness Council is looking to reshape sport and leisure facilities and services across the area.

The council is inviting residents, sports and community groups, leisure centre users and anyone interested in playing a part in shaping the future of health and wellbeing in Westmorland and Furness, to fill out a survey and share their thoughts on how the council can best use its sport and leisure facilities in the future.

The survey aims to understand how the current Westmorland and Furness Council facilities are used, how they could be improved, what challenges there are for local sports groups that use these facilities and thoughts on what could be done differently to support physical activity and enabling people to lead healthier lives.

Complete the survey at: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/wX0GJc

The survey closing date is Friday 2 August 2024.

Councillor Virginia Taylor, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Cabinet Member for Sustainable Communities and Localities, said:

“Westmorland and Furness Council has a key priority to support all ages in our communities to lead active, healthy, happy lives.

“Developing a new leisure and active wellbeing strategy is central to achieving this ambition.

“We now have the opportunity to look at our sport and leisure provision across the whole of Westmorland and Furness and how we can make sure that it is working in the best way possible to deliver the best health outcomes for our communities.

“Completing this survey will give us a better understanding of what you really want. It will help us to determine, through the leisure strategy, where we need to focus resources on better quality facilities, how we can help more people to become active, how we could possibly better support sport and leisure activities in local places such as parks or community centres and whether we can use our leisure centres to support a more diverse range of activities that best meet local health needs.

“I would encourage as many people as possible to complete the survey – whether you are already an active sport or leisure facilities user or not.

“In many ways we are particularly keen to hear from people who don’t currently use these facilities, or would like to be more active, so we can understand how things could be re-shaped for the future to make it easier for people to access these services to support healthier, happier lives.’’


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